During the Tarun Utsav many guest lectureres came, to clear the doubts of students regarding their career choices. The sessions were very interactive and all students got something new to learn.
- Mrs. Jayshree Mehta, from TIMES OF INDIA
- She told us about the importance of attitude over aptitude. She told us about various successful personalities and the qualities which made them successful in their lives. she told us a story ,"JOIN THE DOTS". We thank her for giving her valuable time for us and gracing us with her presence.
- Mr. R R Yadav, from DMRC
He explained very beautifully the importance of our mother tongue hindi . He explained to us the vast potential of the language .He also explained about the vast amount of job opportunities in the language . He also explained us how we can get success in our lives if we work hard. We all listened to his words carefully and the session was a very interesting one.

- Col. R. K. Gill , from Indian Army
He explained to us the importance of time management , he also told us effective ways to manage our time. He urged us to have aims in our lives and work hard to achieve them. He told us about how we can all make a timetable to study effectively.
He also explained to us the various opportunities for girls and boys in the armed forces and para military forces in his second session. He also told us about what all the armed forces offer us as a career opportunity.
He also explained to us the various opportunities for girls and boys in the armed forces and para military forces in his second session. He also told us about what all the armed forces offer us as a career opportunity.
They told us about various career opportunities and different emerging fields in which we can get a job. They asked students some questions based on reasoning. They also described various scholarship exams for which students of our age are eligible.
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